KFUMC Nursery

We want your family to have a wonderful nursery experience as we partner in your little one’s faith development. Our nursery strives to be a place where each child feels safe and parents feel comfortable leaving their precious little one. The nursery is full of wonderful staff who love working with children. Our ratio of caring adults ensures each child’s needs will be met as he or she begins to discover the wonderful love of Jesus. Thank you for entrusting your little ones with us.  

Tuesday McRorey, Children's Ministry Director


Register for Children's Ministry (Birth-5th Grade)

Welcome to the KFUMC Nursery


We provide care during the 8:15, 9:30, and 10:45 AM worship services for children ages birth through age 3.

The nursery is also available for other church functions during the week such as Bible studies and small groups. 

Please contact the Nursery Coordinator, Tuesday McRorey, if you have questions regarding childcare availability.



Our nursery rooms are open 15 minutes prior to regular scheduled services, Bible studies, or other on-campus activities. Please pick up your child within 10 minutes after the service or event is over.

Our Nursery is located in the Education Building. Currently all ages birth through age 3. Cribs are available for infants who need sleep.



Please send any bottles ready to serve, and please be sure to leave written instructions for any special needs your child may have. Cribs are available for infants who need to sleep.


Snack is usually provided for toddlers. Please leave written instructions for any special needs or allergies your child may have.

When You Arrive

Please register your child online. If you haven't already done so, our nursery workers will ask you to fill out an information form on your child so that we can have one permanently on file. Permission to let your child be photographed is also included in the registration form.

Check in is required on Sunday mornings for the nursery. There are 2 Kiosk stations located on the first floor of the Education Bldg. Please check your child in before they go to the nursery. This process records their attendance and gives them a name tag for the nursery. A label will print for your child to wear as well as a guardian label. Parents should be ready to show that label when picking up to nursery staff member or classroom leader. 


Be sure all of your child’s belongings (bags, blankets, pacifiers, etc.) are labeled. If you need a label for your diaper bag, let us know and we will be happy to provide you with one.

For the safety of all our children, we request that you leave your child with a caregiver at the door rather than coming inside. Tell them goodbye, give a hug, and then leave quickly. Please do not linger.

-Change of clothes

-Disposable diapers or pull-ups

-Plastic bottles or sippy cups

-Please do not bring personal toys or possessions unless it is a “security item” (pacifier, blanket, etc.)


During hectic pick-up times, a child can very easily slip out of the nursery doors. Please help us keep the door closed at all times for the safety of all our children.

Present your pager at the nursery door and wait for a nursery worker to bring your child and bag to you.

Please do not send older siblings to pick up your child. Our staff is instructed to release nursery children only to their parents only.


In order to ensure the safety and health of other babies and workers, please refrain from bringing your child if he/she has any of the following symptoms within the past 24 hours:





*Open Sores

*Runny Nose (anything but clear)

*Symptoms of a communicable disease

Please notify us if your child develops a communicable disease after being in our care so we can notify other parents of exposure.

All toys and surfaces in the nursery will be disinfected after each child’s use.

Our workers use disposable gloves for diaper changes and disinfect the changing table after each use.

Nursery bedding is changed after each use.

Our workers are First Aid and CPR certified.

*We are a Peanut-free Nursery. Please avoid sending snacks from home that contain any peanut products.

God is in the Church Nursery

Where is God on Sunday morning? Of course, God is everywhere. We know that God is enthroned in the praises of his people.

(Psalm 22:3) When we gather to worship – God is with us.

We know that God is there when we pray. Jesus said, “For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.”

(Matthew 18:20) When we pray – God is with us.

We know that God is there when his Word is read, preached, loved and obeyed. The Lord says, “I am watching over my word to perform it.”

(Jeremiah 1:12) When the Bible speaks – God is with us.

We know that God is everywhere. “Can a man hide himself in secret places so that I cannot see him? declares the LORD.

Do I not fill heaven and earth? declares the LORD.”

(Jeremiah 23:24)

“The eyes of the LORD are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good.”

(Proverbs 15:3) No matter where we go – God is with us.

But did you know that God is back in the church nursery?

“And Jesus took a child and put him in the midst of them, and taking him in his arms, he said to them, “Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me, and whoever receives me, receives not me but him who sent me.”

(Mark 9:36-37)

When you welcome a child in the name of Jesus you welcome Jesus himself.

When we minister to children – God is with us.

If you wonder why so many people are blessed by serving in the church nursery.

Now you know – God is there.