Band Together

A discipleship band is a group of three to five people who read together, pray together, and meet together to become the love of God for one another and the world. 

We answer these questions. 

1. How is it with your soul?

2. What are your struggles and successes?

3. How might the Spirit and Scriptures be speaking in your life?

When we want to go deeper, we ask these two questions.

4. Do you have any sin that you want to confess?

5. Are there any secrets or hidden things you would like to share?

If you are interested in joining a band, please keep scrolling.

Join a Band


You and your band will be given a weekly meeting card with the questions. Also, you each will receive the book, Discipleship Bands: A Practical Field Guide by Mark Benjamin and J.D. Walt.

need band members

Do you need help finding three to four members of the same gender for your band? 

Fill this out for Monica O'Donnell and she will help you find band members.

join a Band

do not need band members

If you already have three to four people in mind to ask to be in your band, fill this out for Monica O'Donnell, and she will give you resources and answer any questions you have.

Join A Band

Join a Band